Fee Parameters
Updated at 22 Feburary 2023
Stop-loss Fee
When the Net-Equity-Value-to-Capital ratio (inclusive of the Stop-loss Fee) hits your configured Stop-loss Ratio, Eternal Finance will close your position and pay gas cost for you. The gas cost will be covered by this Stop-loss Fee.
Liquidation Fee
When the Debt-to-Equity exceeds the liquidation threshold of the pair, your pair will be liquidated to secure debt repayment. 5% Fee is charged at a certain percentage of your Net Equity Value (i.e. after debt repayment).
Yield Harvesting Fee
When Eternal Finance helps to harvest your yield farming rewards by providing liquidity to the pool, 9% of the reward will be charged as gas fee and treasury reserve for the collection. For auto-compound farms, harvested yield after fee will be sold and converted as your liquidity provision.
Please note that the APR/APY shown already factored in this fee, what you see is what you get.
Lending Charge
A lending charge (currently 19%) on earned yield is reserved by the Eternal Finance Protocol. The strategy for reserve management will be at the discretion of governance.
Please note that the APR/APY shown already factored in this fee, what you see is what you get..
Last updated