🗳️Setup Wallet
Pontem Wallet
If this is your first time, kindly select the option to "Create Wallet".
Create a password
Your wallet is created. As the wallet creation process has not yet been completed, kindly proceed to the next step.
Please click "
" to confirm the 12 Secret Recovery PhraseUpon completion of the wallet creation process, you will be provided with a list of recovery phrases. It is highly recommended that you write down the recovery phrases and store them in a secure location.
To ensure the utmost security of your information,
it is advised that you do not utilize the "COPY" button
or take a screenshot of the recovery phrases, as this may lead to potential leakage of yourPRIVATE KEY(the only way to access your asset)
. After written down your phrases, click "I saved my recovery passphrase
" to proceed.Please select the words that correspond with their corresponding numbers to ensure the accuracy of the recovery phrases. Once completed, click the "
" button to proceed.Congratulations! Your wallet has been successfully created, and is now ready to accept deposits of APT tokens.
Last updated