🗳️Setup Wallet

Pontem Wallet

  1. If this is your first time, kindly select the option to "Create Wallet".

  2. Create a password

  3. Your wallet is created. As the wallet creation process has not yet been completed, kindly proceed to the next step.

  4. Please click "Resolve" to confirm the 12 Secret Recovery Phrase

  5. Upon completion of the wallet creation process, you will be provided with a list of recovery phrases. It is highly recommended that you write down the recovery phrases and store them in a secure location.

    To ensure the utmost security of your information, it is advised that you do not utilize the "COPY" button or take a screenshot of the recovery phrases, as this may lead to potential leakage of your PRIVATE KEY(the only way to access your asset). After written down your phrases, click "I saved my recovery passphrase" to proceed.

  6. Please select the words that correspond with their corresponding numbers to ensure the accuracy of the recovery phrases. Once completed, click the "Confirm" button to proceed.

  7. Congratulations! Your wallet has been successfully created, and is now ready to accept deposits of APT tokens.

Last updated